Saturday, July 29, 2006

General Assembly thoughts...

Today is Saturday. The 71st General Assembly ended this morning and we are heading home to Louisiana to get ready for the coming work assigned to us. Some thoughts about this experience...

Kathy and I are blessed to have many friends in ministry. This is a picture of me with Delbert and Saundra Rose who were our overseers in North Georgia. Our four years there were exceptional times of growth and development as leaders. The lessons learned there prepared us for our times in Louisiana! I love Delbert and Saundra.

Bobby Scott, Sr. is the State Overseer of North New England (Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire) and he was Evangelism Director of Tennessee when I was youth director 1994-98. We had a great time working together in the same office. His humor and practical way of living is always a joy to me.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

71st General Assembly in Indianapolis!

Kathy and I arrived this afternoon to Indianapolis for the 71st General Assembly of the Church of God. For those of you who cannot attend, both Kathy and I will be blogging our experiences for those interested here on a daily basis. We will also try to provide some pictures and information of what is going on. Check back daily for the latest!

We had lunch with Jason and Andrea at Jimbo's Barbeque in Louisville after church today.

Good eats and great family fun!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

From Louisville, Kentucky!

Kathy and I are here in Louisville, Kentucky this weekend as we make our way to Indianapolis, Indiana for the upcoming General Assembly. Our youngest son and his wife, Andrea are youth pastors at River City Worship Center here in Louisville and we are visiting with them this weekend. We will attend service there tomorrow and then make our way up I-65 to the BIG, BIG General Assembly. I'm very proud of Jason and Andrea as they are growing in the Lord and making a difference in their communities. I'm proud of their "world" mindedness toward sinners and their desire to connect their faith to the people they are around. We shopped for some shirts and ties last night and they were careful to point me in a more contemporary look...hoping I will ditch my "soon to be 50", trying to look younger mindset and go with the "retro 70s" look that is so prevalent in their lifestyle...FAT CHANCE!

Monday, July 17, 2006

New Wineskins at Robert Church of God?

Saturday evening, July 8, Robert Church of God dedicated THE ZONE, which is their new child development and ministry center. For those of you familiar with the layout at Robert, it is, in fact, the old sanctuary with a new look. The old front has been replaced with a new drive-through for parents to drop off children. The sanctuary is now a contemporary blend of active colors with a redesigned platform and puppet stage. New multi-media equipment blasts the sights and sounds of a new generation. It is totally cool and innovative.

As part of those invited to participate in the dedication, I sat and watched the children who were gathered and watched the festivities. They ranged in age from small wobbly toddlers to teens who are active leaders in the ministry outreaches. They come from a variety of ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. Yet, in this environment, none of that matters. In fact, the seating is so child-friendly most adults will struggle to sit long—and that’s okay because too many adults will contaminate the energy of the room. This is an atmosphere dedicated to children—loud, engaging and interactive. There is no whispering in this room, no worrying about things to break or even honor. The room is a “go for it” atmosphere!

It’s the kind of room Jesus would hang out in! Seriously, Jesus got his fill of the stuffy, “no fun” religionists in his day. He chided them. He urged them to release so much of their anxiety and find peace in Him. They could not get it and so in order to preserve their world—they killed him.
Pastor Carl & Susan Webb are to be commended for the progressive leadership they are giving Robert and the people at Robert should be rightfully proud of this vision. The old building could have been torn down and a new one erected. Instead, the pastor and community of faith there decided to connect the past with the future. The old building now becomes a new building with new dreams, new vision and new expectations.

It’s the kind of place where Jesus hangs out!

Sitting there last Saturday, I realized—these people get it. They have both an understanding of Roots and Wings! We must always remember our heritage and the legacy of faith which enabled us. But we must constantly remember the world is a different place requiring energy and passion in new “wineskins” as Jesus taught.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

July 15...

What a busy week this has been for me! Two trips to New Orleans, a quick one day trip to Cleveland, TN for the Disaster Preparedness Summit, training a new secretary and youth camp! However, the weekend offers some retreat and relaxation.

Mark Smith and Sarah Hidey visited NOMACC this week. They are the coordinators for World Relief who has entered into an agreement with us to partner for local residents and to help in the recovery.

I'm pleased to announce that Cooper talked to me on the phone this week--Wednesday, in fact. As his daddy was ordering food at the drive-through, Cooper was given the phone and actually talked to me! It sounded like @#$%&*(), but grandpa translation went something like--"I wish I were with you!"

Kathy and I are busy preparing for the General Assembly in just more than one week. We will get to see our children and many friends. I'm serving as Chairman of the Usher Committee this year, so there is much work that is going on to get ready for that. Kathy has agreed to lead two prayer teams during the Assembly to intercede for Godly direction and anointing. She is excited about that.

My father and I are planning another trip to Honduras in August to prepare for a ministry trip in October for our mission partners. We are excited to anticipate this.

Be blessed and know that your life has great promise!