Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Lee University teams helps New Day feed St. Bernard!

As we continue to increase our efforts for helping the residents of New Orleans, we are blessed to have so many people to help us...

--Teams from Tennessee are working this week at Chauvin, Friendswood, Faith Temple and Manantial De Vida.
--A team from Macon, Ga is working this week at Wardline.
--A team from Pulaski, VA will be New Orleans next week to work at the Cornerstone parsonage.

This past Saturday, Pastor Terry Ray and a team of students from Lee University (Cleveland, TN) were involved in a food distribution in the Arabi community (near Amazing Grace). According to Pastor Terry Ray, the group feed more than 500 persons! In addition to the food, they were able to distribute hope to people who are reeling from the devastation in these communities.

Good work..Pastor Terry and thanks to the Lee University students!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

New Orleans...the task ahead!

Kathy and I spent the day in New Orleans yesterday. The scenes still move me. We were able to get into the former Cornerstone church. It was my first time. The building is completely destroyed.

Due to some security issues, we were unable to reach Amazing Grace. The area around the church was secured by National Guard and they would not allow me in. We hope to see it later.

We are still attempting to arrange a building for a Command Center. Each time we get close to a deal, something happens to put the building out of reach. We ask that you continue to pray with us about this. There is a place and we must find it.

Tomorrow we go to Lake Charles to see the team from South Carolina who are working to repair the church at Le Bleu. Also we hope to see the parsonage at Living Waters.

The strategic plan for New Orleans is taking shape. The State Council meeting on November 11th will be an important step. We will need to forge a direction which identifies our possibilities and enables our efforts to be a "force" in the city!

Be encouraged!
Bishop Bill

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Virginia donates car to Pastor Brenda from Chauvin!

Administrative Bishop, Dr. Michael D. Baker and State Youth Director, Bishop J. Patrick Wright were instrumental in arranging for the delivery of a '98 Cadillac Deville to Pastors Brenda and Lucious Thibadeaux yesterday in Chauvin. This vehicle is the donation of Brother and Sister William Hatcher of Virginia. Brother Hatcher reported to his pastor and Dr. Baker that God spoke to him about giving the car to a pastor who lost a car in the hurricanes. In that same week, we had posted the update on the church and pastor at Chauvin. The decision was made in Virginia to provide this car to the pastor.

Upon receipt, Sister Brenda shared her testimony that 10 years before during another stormy time, God had spoken to her to give her car to a pastor in Texas who had lost his car. She shared with me that her husband questioned her and said--"are you sure God is telling you this?" But God gave her a confidence that He would provide for them and when she gave the car away, she shared with me that God spoke directly into her heart and said -- "one day I will bring this back to you!" She feels this gift from the Hatchers is the fulfillment of God's promises 10 years ago.

The automobile is in excellent shape with leather interior, 68,000 miles and new tires. The Church of God in Virginia arranged for insurance and transport to Baton Rouge through Pastor Riley from Tazwell, VA.

Pastor's Randall Baugus (Abbeville) and Kenny Flaming (Wardline) along with Reverend Kenneth Browning, were with me for the presentation and shared in the prayer time we had there in the church yard. How God touched and blessed us there!

We thank God for all that is being done by so many in the Church of God for the pastors and members of the Church of God in Louisiana!


The following report is submitted by Michelle Vega, a staff pastor at Forest Hill Church of God in Mobile, Alabama concerning their recent church trip to Freedom House Church of God in Covington, LA. Kathy and I went over to be part of the day's activities. The church does an annual block party for their community and chose this year to do this party for the Covington community at the campground adjacent to Freedom house. Our area pastors were invited as well to bring their churches. We appreciate Pastor Derwood and Jean Perkins for their commitment to Louisiana in this effort and many others as well. Enjoy the report...

It was no ordinary day for Freedom House in Covington, Louisiana. On Saturday, October 8, the Freedom House church grounds were flooded with 130 smiling faces from Forest Hill Church of God in Mobile, Alabama. Each year, Forest Hill holds a Block Party at their church as an outreach event to their community. Due to the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina, Derwood Perkins, Pastor of Forest Hill, along with his staff, decided to bless a community other than their own this year. After speaking with Jeff Hammond, the Pastor of Freedom House, and seeing a need in that area, it was determined to take the Block Party to the people of Covington.

The Party involved many facets of ministry to the community. As children and their parents poured onto the church property, they found numerous activities to engage in. Several inflatable rides, such as the moonwalk and an extreme obstacle course, were awaiting the children. Also, the kids could try their hand at various carnival type games at which they walked away with fun prizes. Giggles and bursts of laughter were heard all day long as the children took advantage of this day of fun.

One of the focal points of the event was a free give-away of backpacks filled with school supplies. The people of Forest Hill Church of God rallied together and brought 664 backpacks with school supplies to bless the children of Covington and surrounding areas. Each child that attended the Block Party received a backpack. The remaining backpacks were sent to local schools to be given to children who were displaced by the hurricane. One would have thought it was Christmas morning as with excitement children tore into their backpacks, anxious to see what was inside.

While the children played hard at the church, many Forest Hill men worked hard at the church and in the community. A construction crew busily tackled a project given to them by Pastor Jeff of Freedom House. Meanwhile, yard crews were dispatched into neighborhoods to remove fallen trees from the roofs, driveways, and yards of homes. The owners of those homes expressed their gratitude to the men with tears of thanks.

No one went hungry at the Block Party. Forest Hill provided a free meal for everyone. Hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, cold drinks, snow cones, and popcorn were all on the day’s menu. In return, Freedom House graciously cooked a wonderful meal for the Forest Hill team of workers. To help those who were in need, whether due to Hurricane Katrina or for other reasons, Forest Hill also gave out boxes of food and personal care items that had been provided by Feed the Children.

October 8 in Covington was a victorious day. Hope was given and the love of Jesus Christ was shared with all. The pastors of both churches were thrilled with the efforts and outcome of the party. Pastor Jeff Hammond commented to the Forest Hill workers, “You came at an opportune time. Covington needed this kind of ministry and you have impacted our community in a great way for Jesus. The best we can say is, ‘Thank you so much!’” --Michelle Vega

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

What a relief...good friends are!

Today I was in Chauvin and Friendswood to check on our pastors and churches. Lucious and Brenda Thibadeaux were busy at work clearing out debris from their flooded home. It is so discouraging to see how much stuff has been pushed to the street in so many neighborhoods. Wayne and Joann Ponthier's house in Slidell was the same and there is this huge pile of debris out front to be carried away...everything on the first level lost!

I prayed with the Thibadeauxs and found them tired and weary from the journey. Thankfully, a relief team from Maryville, TN will be there on October 24th to begin the reconstruction of the damage from the flooding to their home. Another relief team from Pikeville, TN will be there to do the roof on the church.

I was able to see Pastor Earl Naquin today and visit with him. There is so much damage to Friendswood! A relief team is there this week from Locust, NC (Providence COG and some good Methodist men...I promised them I would mention that!) are putting a new roof on the church. What a big job but it does appear they will finish by week's end.

Another team from Millersburg, OH is in the state working at Manantial De Vida to complete the work there. A great group from Fredricksburg, VA was here last week and worked at Manantial De Vida and ministered with New Day Christian Center in Lakeview. How we appreciate these people and their pastor--Donald Jones!

Relief teams are coming in the next week to work at Wardline, Chauvin, Faith Temple. Teams have already been here from Michigan, Georgia, California, West Virginia, Indiana. Others are coming from Tennessee and North Georgia.

What these volunteers and the many financial partners who have contributed to our Disaster Relief Fund do is remind us that we are not in this journey alone. God has provided good friends who walk alongside us and help us as we move forward. What a great family the Church of God truly is!

Tomorrow, Bishop Kelly and I will head over to Weatherford, TX for the Open Discussion Forums being hosted by our Executive Committee to present and discuss six new initiatives for our church which are likely to be on the agenda for the upcoming General Assembly. There are 11 of our pastors who are planning to attend. We return late Thursday...

Our Holiday Celebration will be November 11-12 at the Holiday Inn--Alexandria. The theme is "Affirmation!" Our special guests are Randy and Rhonda Parris from Akron, OH. If you have not reserved a space or ticket, please email me mailto:bill@lacog.org.

Bishop Bill

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Today is Saturday in Louisiana...

Welcome to my Gideon's Few blog! Yeah, I made the move and hope this new technology will enhance our connection by allowing me to add pictures to the text. Also, my posts will be shorter in length (which will please my son, Jason!)

Our disaster response team visited New Orleans yesterday to view some possible sites for our Command Center which we propose will be the hub our ministry vision for restoring New Orleans during the next 12 months. We still are praying for the right place and would appreciate your prayers as well.

Relief teams are in our state during the coming 2-3 weeks to help 11 congregations with roof and interior repairs. Those churches are Wardline, Sharp's Chapel, Freedom House, Chauvin, Friendswood, Faith Temple, Manantial De Vida, Manantial De Vida-Westbank, Le Bleu, Living Waters, Amazing Grace. There is much we are doing and we are grateful for those who are coming to our assistance.

We had visitors from Tennessee and Pennsylvania in our state this week making plans for involvement with our churches. It is apparent that help is available to those who need it.

The coming weeks and months will require great patience as we recover and restore our lives and ministries from the storm's impact. A few things are apparent to me...
  • God is still in control of our lives, families and churches.
  • God was our source before the storm and remains so today.
  • No weapon formed against us has the power to prosper.

Stay encouraged!

Bishop Bill